The Well-Tempered Music Guy

Simple thoughts by a simple listener on classical music

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Coming soon!

I have created this "blog" for the immediate purpose of posting the transcripts of a few interviews I was able to conduct as a programmer for WKCR's incredible annual BachFest, but I also intend to use this space to write about great music, performances and recordings, the same kind of observations I have featured on my -- alas! -- soon-to-be-dufunct radio show (I am a law student, and must soon become a lawyer).
At any rate, check back here soon for interviews with Angela Hewitt, Hilary Hahn and Nikolaus Harnoncourt.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Toren,

Thanks v. much for this excellent interview. I feel I now have a much better understanding of NH and his works. (My CD collection comprises about 160 of the cantatas, virtually all conducted either by him or by Leonhart, and we listen to a different one almost every morning, and have done so for years.

I think the composer you transcribed as Teterstoff was Dittersdorf -- Johann Ditters von Ditterdorf.

I was sorry you did not ask Harnancourt about matters of tuning, though you did, I think, allude to Bruckmeister (sp?). His response would have been most interesting.

Good luck in your career. I shall miss hearing you in the future. I think you all did an excellent jobon the Bach project. It so happens that, this year, I heard a number of cantatas which I do not yet have among my 160 (in spite of frequent trips to Academy Records), so the experience was most rewarding.

Would you all like some help with your German? I translate German literature into English, and would be glad to help. Puzzling, that your German department hasn't done so.

Don't let those lawyers kill your spirit !!


Charles Brand
New York

6:07 PM  

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